About Us
Who We Are
About Us
Relief Foundation International (RFi) is a non for profit charitable organization which was established in 2008 in Karachi, Pakistan. The main aim of the organization is to help people suffering from a short supply of food, clothing, health facilities and especially basic education. RFi has the policy to serve all kinds of communities without any discrimination. Gradually, RFi spread its charitable activities in many areas of Pakistan and some foreign countries by the grace of Allah Almighty.
You Can Help a Lot by Donating for Charity
Our Only Mission is to Fulfill Others Dreams
Help is Our Goal
What Make Us Different
What we do
We help to provide drinking water, food, clothes and education to underprivileged by using our donors’ funds. We also try to create employment to raise their financial condition.
Our Vision
We believe that the prosperity is the right of humanity, and all basic needs should be fulfilled by every human being without any discrimination.
Our Mission
Our mission is to locate people in the communities that are suffering from lack of resources and to provide them all basic necessities to improve their life standard.
We Donate
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People For Cooked Food
Families For Ration Bags
Our Team
Give a Hand to Make the Better World
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Facts About Us
Little Facts About Us
Donation Collection
Annual Program
Become the One Who is Considered a Hero
Completed Program

What People Say About
Our Organization