Share the blessings with needy
humanity on this Eid ul azha

Through the Waqf Qurbani project, Relief Foundation International aims
to bring joy, and make a difference in the lives of those who need it most.

Bringing Joy in many lives from last 15 years!

RFi's Waqf Qurbani Project Benefiting Thousands...!

With an unwavering commitment to serving humanity, the Relief Foundation International has diligently spearheaded the Qurbani project for an impressive span of 15 years. Throughout this commendable duration, the foundation has left an indelible impact on the lives of countless individuals. In the previous year alone, a heartwarming total of 1029 Qurbani’s were performed, bringing solace and sustenance to over 5,000 deserving beneficiaries. This remarkable figure continues to rise with each passing year, a testament to the unwavering dedication of the foundation and its noble cause.

The recipients of the Qurbani meat include widowed mothers, orphaned children, refugees, and individuals who are in need, sick, or disabled. Many of these individuals are unable to afford meat on a regular basis. Typically, it is only during the occasion of Baqraeed when our esteemed donors participate in the “Waqf Qurbani” that these families are able to enjoy meat.

Neither their meat nor blood reaches Allah. Rather, it is your piety that reaches Him.

(Quran 22:37) Surah Hajj

See the eyes well up with tears!

It is crucial to recognize that many of these individuals struggle to afford meat on a regular basis. Their dietary options are limited, often lacking in essential proteins and vital nutrients. However, during the significant occasion of Baqraeed, a moment that holds great significance for Muslims worldwide, these families experience an incredible transformation. Through the generosity and support of honorable donors who selflessly participate in the “Waqf Qurbani,” the joy and elation that ensue are truly unparalleled.

The act of contributing to the “Waqf Qurbani” not only nourishes bodies but also warms hearts. It represents an act of empathy, a compassionate gesture that fosters a sense of belonging and inclusivity within the community. By joining hands with the Relief Foundation International and participating in this noble initiative, you can play an instrumental role in spreading happiness, hope, and the spirit of giving.

In 2022-1443 Relief Foundation International:

Performed 1,029

Benefited 5,145

With 30 Centers
all over Pakistan

About Us!

Established in 2008, RFI is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing emergency relief and sustainable development programs to communities around the world, regardless of their backgrounds. At Relief Foundation International (RFI), we believe that everyone deserves access to basic necessities such as food, healthcare, education, and employment opportunities. 
Over the years, we have worked tirelessly to provide support to vulnerable communities and have provided assistance to those affected by natural disasters, poverty, conflict, and displacement. Our emergency relief efforts have included providing food, shelter, clothing, and medical assistance to those in need.
We are grateful to Allah (SWT) for the progress we have made since our establishment in 2008, and we remain committed to making a positive impact in the world. With the support of our donors and partners, we will continue to provide emergency relief and sustainable development programs to those in need.

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